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​Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh từ đồng nghĩa - Đề số 3

Bộ đề trắc nghiệm từ vựng môn Tiếng Anh về từ đồng nghĩa đề số 3 có đáp án chi tiết nhằm giúp học sinh ôn tập và củng cố từ vựng Tiếng Anh trong nhiều lĩnh vực.

Câu 1. I am sure that they will besacked on the spot.
Câu 2. When we went to the airport tosee her off, we had a traffic jam.
Câu 4. The journalist refused todisclosethe sourse of his information.
Câu 6. Theaugmentationin the population has created a fuel shortage.
Câu 8. He drove so fast that I really felt my life wasin danger.
Câu 9. At last, we succeeded in persuading those boys and girls to join our picnic.
Câu 11. I didn’t think his the comments were veryappropriateat the time.
Câu 12. GCSE are notcompulsory, but they are the most common qualifications taken by students.
Câu 13. I received housing benefit when I wasunemployed.
Câu 14. The related publications are far toonumerousto list individually.
Câu 15. The teacher gave somesuggestionson what would come out for the examination.
Câu 16. When being interviewed, you shouldconcentrateon what the interviewer is saying or asking you.
Câu 17. She came to the meeting lateon purposeso she would miss the introductory speech.
Câu 18. The use of lasers in surgery has becomerelativelycommonplace in recent years.
Câu 20. Did anyoneacknowledgeresponsibility for the outbreak of the fire?
Câu 21. Childbearingis the women's most wonderful role.
Câu 22. In my experience,freshmentoday are different from those I knew 25 years ago.
Câu 23. S. Mayo Hospital in New Orleans was so named in recognition of Dr. Mayo’soutstandinghumanitarianism.
Câu 24. My parents’ warnings didn’tdeterme from choosing the job of my dreams.
Câu 25. “It’s no use talking to me about metaphysics. It’sa closed book to me.”
Câu 26. Professor Berg was very interested in thediversityof cultures all over the world.
Câu 27. The situation seems to be changingminute by minute.
Câu 28. If desired,garnishyour plate with parsley, bell pepper rings or other vegetables.
Câu 29. The bombexplodedin the garage; fortunately no one hurt.

đáp án ​Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh từ đồng nghĩa - Đề số 3

CâuĐáp ánCâuĐáp án
Câu 1DCâu 16D
Câu 2ACâu 17D
Câu 3BCâu 18A
Câu 4BCâu 19D
Câu 5CCâu 20B
Câu 6ACâu 21A
Câu 7DCâu 22A
Câu 8BCâu 23C
Câu 9BCâu 24B
Câu 10ACâu 25A
Câu 11DCâu 26A
Câu 12ACâu 27C
Câu 13CCâu 28A
Câu 14ACâu 29B
Câu 15DCâu 30C

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