Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 16

Bộ đề tổng hợp trắc nghiệm từ vựng môn Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 16 có đáp án chi tiết nhằm giúp học sinh củng cố từ vựng Tiếng Anh trong nhiều lĩnh vực.

Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống:

Câu 1. Violent programmes on television may have a bad _____ on children.
Câu 2. He has always gone _____ strange hobbies like collecting bottle-tops and inventing secret codes.
Câu 3. The local tourist bureau will send you _____ about hotels in the area.
Câu 4. The businessman proved to be an apparently well-behaved ______ middle-aged man.
Câu 5. The us eof plastics for shoes _____ of leather has ruined shoe repairing as a business.
Câu 6. Where do you ______ going for your holidays this year?
Câu 7. Now that he has retired, he lives partly on his pension and partly on the _____ on his post office savings account.
Câu 8. Be quiet! It’s rude to ______ people when they are speaking.
Câu 9. During the _____ the audience strolled and chatted in the foyer.
Câu 10. She looked every where for her book but ______ had to return home without it.
Câu 11. Sally married _____ the Kennedy family.
Câu 12. The boy’s allergy to dust caused his skin to _______.
Câu 13. I’m sorry I’m late, I was held up in a traffic _______.
Câu 14. He hit the other boxer so hard that he broke his lower ______.
Câu 15. Her mother had asked her to do several ______ before she went out.
Câu 16. When he makes a _____ by car, he takes his family with him.
Câu 17. I can’t advise you what to do: you must use your own _______.
Câu 18. Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have ______ in the last six months.
Câu 19. You couldn’t ______ any secrets even for an hour in that little town.
Câu 20. The police had to _____ the crow ______.
Câu 21. I should like to ______ touch with old friends but I have so little time.
Câu 22. Shut the window and _____ the cold _______.
Câu 23. You can _____ your shorthand ability by taking notes in shorthand during lectures.
Câu 24. I cannot undo the _____ in this piece of string.
Câu 25. ______ of money prevented us from taking a holiday this year.

đáp án Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 16

CâuĐáp ánCâuĐáp án
Câu 1CCâu 14D
Câu 2CCâu 15D
Câu 3BCâu 16D
Câu 4CCâu 17C
Câu 5CCâu 18B
Câu 6ACâu 19A
Câu 7DCâu 20C
Câu 8BCâu 21C
Câu 9DCâu 22B
Câu 10CCâu 23C
Câu 11CCâu 24C
Câu 12ACâu 25D
Câu 13C

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