According to the passage, Dr. Reader and his team have found that

Xuất bản: 26/05/2021 - Cập nhật: 24/08/2023 - Tác giả: Điền Chính Quốc

Câu Hỏi:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.
Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace do not help you make more genuine close friends, according to a survey by researchers who studied how the websites are changing the nature of friendship networks. Although social networking on the internet helps people to collect hundreds or even thousands of acquaintances, the researchers believe that face to face contact is nearly always necessary to form truly close friendships.
"Although the numbers of friends people have on these sites can be massive, the actual number of close friends is approximately the same in the face to face real world," said Will Reader at Sheffield Hallam University. Social networking websites such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace have taken off rapidly in recent years. Facebook was launched initially in 2004 for Harvard University members but has since expanded to over 34m users worldwide. MySpace, which was set up in 2003, has over 200m users and was bought by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation in 2005 for $580m.
Previous research has suggested that a person's conventional friendship group consists of around 150 people, with five very close friends but larger numbers of people who we keep in touch with less regularly. This figure is so consistent that scientists have suggested it is determined by the cognitive constraints of keeping up with large numbers of people. But Dr. Reader and his team have found that social networking sites do allow people to stretch this figure. The team asked over 200 people to fill in questionnaires about their online networking, asking for example how many online friends they had, how many of these were close friends and how many they had met face to face. The team found that although the sites allowed contact with hundreds of acquaintances, as with conventional friendship networks, people tend to have around 5 close friends. Also, 90% of contacts that the subjects regarded as close friends were people they had met face to face. "People see face to face contact as being absolutely imperative in forming close friendships," added Dr. Reader. He told the British Association Festival of Science in York that social networking sites allow people to broaden their list of nodding acquaintances because staying in touch online is easy. "What social network sites can do is decrease the cost of maintaining and forming these social networks because we can post information to multiple people," he said.
According to the passage, Dr. Reader and his team have found that ______.

Đáp án và lời giải

đáp án đúng: B

According to the passage, Dr. Reader and his team have found that nine out of ten people considered as close friends as those having face-to-face contacts.
(Theo đoạn văn, tiến sĩ Reader và nhóm của ông đã phát hiện ra rằng 9/10 người được coi là bạn thân khi có sự tiếp xúc trực tiếp)

Điền Chính Quốc (Tổng hợp)

Câu hỏi liên quan

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

"Few people in Kenya own a mobile phone." is NOT true according to the passage. ("Rất ít người ở Kenya sở hữu một chiếc điện thoại di động." KHÔNG đúng theo đoạn văn)

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

"The lack of communication in the family is now mostly blamed on the TV." is NOT true according to the passage.
Giải thích
Thông tin ở đoạn 3: The smartphone has taken over from the TV as the major reason for a lack of communication between family members. (Việc điện thoại thông minh thay thế TV là nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến việc thiếu kết nối giữa các thành viên trong gia đình)

According to the passage, in a cashless society,....

According to the passage, in a cashless society, you will feel much safer.
Dịch nghĩa: Theo đoạn văn, trong một xã hội không dùng tiền mặt, bạn sẽ cảm thấy an toàn hơn rất nhiều.

Giải thích
Từ khóa tìm kiếm: cashless society.
Thông tin trong đoạn 2: You will feel more secure as well.

According to the passage, President Johnson's program of reconstruction _______.

According to the passage, President Johnson's program of reconstruction did not prevent Southerners form recovering their political power in government.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

"We read online materials in the same way as we read printed materials." is NOT true according to the passage.
Dịch nghĩa: Câu "Chúng ta đọc tài liệu trực tuyến giống như cách chúng ta đọc tài liệu in" là KHÔNG đúng theo đoạn văn.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

Movie stunts are often performed by the main actors.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

The majority of teenagers surveyed enjoyed real outdoor activities in their leisure time.

Question 47. According to the passage, what can be inferred about tsunamis?

They are dangerous to people living near the shore.
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng gây nguy hiểm cho người dân sống gần bờ.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?

It is impossible for us to keep safe distances when standing in airport lines.

According to the passage, the industry is likely to be thought as....

According to the passage, the industry is likely to be thought as the only source of pollution.
-> Dịch: Theo đoạn văn, ngành công nghiệp có thể được coi là nguồn gây ô nhiễm duy nhất.
the production processes = the industry

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