Cùng luyện tiếng Anh với đề thi thử của Sở Bình Thuận

Cùng luyện tiếng Anh với đề thi thử của Sở Bình Thuận giúp các em dễ dàng tìm kiếm từng câu hỏi trong đề thi này và đối chiếu đáp án

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges from 1 to 2.

Câu 1. Peter and Jerry are discussing the benefits of doing household chores.
- Peter: “Do you think that children should share housework with their parents?”
- Jerry: “It helps strengthen family bonds.”
Câu 2.

Janet wants to go to the cinema with Susan.
- Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?”

- Susan: “______.”

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions from 3 to 4.

Câu 3.

A. sun
B. sort
C. sure
D. soup

Câu 4.

A. care
B. place
C. cake
D. shade

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questions from 5 to 6.

Câu 5. A. computer B. energy C. emission D. employment
Câu 6. A. promote B. enter C. reduce D. express

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 7 to 11.
Becoming an independent learner in English is achievable with (7)_____ strategies. Firstly, establish clear and manageable goals for yourself, like learning a few new words every day or practicing speaking for a short time each day. Then, explore the diverse range of resources available, such as language learning apps, online courses, or English books (8)_____ are designed for your proficiency level. Don't let fear of making mistakes hold you back; errors are natural and part of the learning process. Instead, focus on your progress and celebrate your successes along the way. Consistency is key, so try to establish a regular study routine that works for you. (9) _____, don't hesitate to seek support from English-speaking communities or language exchange partners to practice your skills in real-life situations. By (10)_____ control of your learning journey and using various resources, you can develop your English proficiency independently and with confidence. Keep practicing, stay motivated, and remember that every small step forward counts toward your (11)_____ goal of fluency.
(Adapted from www.cambridge.org)

Câu 7. Becoming an independent learner in English is achievable with (7)_____ strategies.
Câu 8. English books (8)_____ are designed for your proficiency level.
Câu 9. (9) _____, don't hesitate to seek support from English-speaking communities or language exchange partners to practice your skills in real-life situations.
Câu 10. By (10)_____ control of your learning journey and using various resources, you can develop your English proficiency independently and with confidence.
Câu 11. Keep practicing, stay motivated, and remember that every small step forward counts toward your (11)_____ goal of fluency.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 12 to 16.
Environmentalists are getting more worried about the effects of fast fashion on the environment. Fast fashion is the mass production of clothes at a low cost. They are put in shops and online quickly to create a high demand. Manufacturers make 100 billion items of clothing every year. This is expected to grow by 60 percent by 2030. The fast fashion business model is having a negative effect on the environment. Many of the clothes end up in landfills and are not recycled. Another negative effect on the environment is caused by the chemicals used to make the clothes. These cause health problems for people working in clothes factories.
The way people are buying clothes is adding to the problem of clothing waste. Many years ago, people went to stores and tried clothes on. People took more time and thought more carefully before they bought clothes. They also wore them for longer. Today, people order cheap clothes on the Internet and if they don't like them, they send them back. Some people say this is causing a throwaway society. Some people buy clothes and never even wear them. The German media company Deutsche Welle wrote: "Every year in Europe, four million tons of clothing ends up in the trash. Less than one percent of this is recycled." It seems the fashion industry is not so sustainable.
(Adapted from breakingnewsenglish.com)

Câu 12. What does the passage mainly discuss?
Câu 13. The word ‘demand’ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.
Câu 14. According to paragraph 1, what is fast fashion?
Câu 15. The word ‘them’ in paragraph 2 refers to _____.
Câu 16. All of the following statements are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _____.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions from 17 to 18.

Câu 17. The weather was really bad. We couldn’t go sightseeing as planned.
Câu 18. Laura left home to pursue her dream. She was aware of the importance of family only then.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions from 19 to 21.

Câu 19.

The young singer is famous across the nation because of their beautiful voice.

Câu 20.

In order to make an informative decision about your future career, it is judicious to partake in career orientation programs for high school students in your town.

Câu 21.

At yesterday’s meeting, he proposes a plan to build a new canteen for employees.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions from 22 to 24.

Câu 22. It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.
Câu 23. The last time Ivy talked to me was three weeks ago.
Câu 24. “I did some voluntary work last year,” Milton said.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 25 to 39.

Câu 25. Students can choose to start college right away or _____ a gap year to try new things before going back to school.
Câu 26. To build a new playground, workers had to _____ some trees in the park.
Câu 27. Before Sarah went on stage for the school play, her friends shouted, " _____!" to wish her luck.
Câu 28. The class will take a field to the zoo next Friday to see all the animals up close.
Câu 29. The company is famous in the _____ for making fun games and toys that kids love to play with.
Câu 30. Through hard work, the athlete was able to _____ a reputation for excellence in the sports world.
Câu 31. This poor girl has earned scholarships from top universities, _____ many students to pursue their academic dreams.
Câu 32. The weather in this area is _____, especially during the summer.
Câu 33. Hoa will call me as soon as _____ at the airport.
Câu 34. It is necessary _____ students to have the skills to start an independent life.
Câu 35. They will do an educational project in the highlands, _____?
Câu 36. _____ United States of America has many people from different countries who come to work and study.
Câu 37. I regret _____ you that you didn't make it to the next round of the competition.
Câu 38. While everyone _____ the test, a male student asked to go out.
Câu 39. The birthday cake _____ by my grandmother last night.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 40 to 41.

Câu 40.

AI technology is used in medical diagnoses to assist doctors in identifying illnesses and recommending treatment options.

Câu 41.

After a few tries, she finally got the hang of riding a bike and felt confident in doing that.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 42 to 43.

Câu 42.

Heritage preservation is like saving memories of our past so that we can cherish and learn from them.

Câu 43.

Education provides students with invaluable opportunities to widen their knowledge and open doors to new career choices.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.
The death of a child from extreme heat highlighted the risk of climate-related illnesses across Malaysia. The same week, Vietnam declared a state of emergency after unusually high temperatures in the south dried up entire rice fields. And in the Philippines, hundreds of schools canceled classes after daily temperatures soared past 42 degrees Celsius. Extreme heat is back in Southeast Asia, one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change. And it is not going away any time soon, scientists have warned.
Home to more than 675 million people across 11 countries, the region has seen temperatures reach never-before-seen levels– with hardly any break from terrible heat and humidity, climatologist Maximiliano Herrera told CNN. Thailand has been the worst hit, Herrera said, adding that heat forecasts there have been especially severe. Temperatures across the country had been “breaking non-stop records” for 13 months – and heat and humidity levels were relentless, he said. “We thought temperatures last year were unbearable but (what we are seeing) this year has beaten that – temperatures in Bangkok won’t drop below 30 degrees Celsius, even at night for the rest of April,” Herrera told CNN. “The trend is inescapable. The region has to prepare for terrible heat for the rest of April and most of May.”
In nearby Vietnam, the heat wave brought intense droughts to the south – driving temperatures up to nearly 40 degrees Celsius and wreaking havoc on the country’s vital agriculture industry. Vietnam is one of the world’s largest rice exporters and low rainfall means trouble for farmers in its Mekong delta region. Rice fields and rivers have dried up, according to Vietnamese media reports, and farmers have been struggling without rainwater for their crops. Record heatwaves in 2023 caused severe power failures in several cities. This year, Vietnamese meteorologists have attributed the abnormally long dry period to El Niño, a natural climate pattern that originates in the Pacific Ocean along the equator and influences weather all over the world. Alongside these natural changes, the world continues to break climate records, with deadly heat waves becoming the norm.
(Adapted from edition.cnn.com)

Câu 44. What is the main idea of the passage?
Câu 45. The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to _____ .
Câu 46. The word “relentless” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
Câu 47. The word “wreaking havoc” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.
Câu 48. It is suggested in the passage that _____.
Câu 49. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the heatwaves in Southeast Asia?
Câu 50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

đáp án Cùng luyện tiếng Anh với đề thi thử của Sở Bình Thuận

CâuĐáp ánCâuĐáp án
Câu 1ACâu 26B
Câu 2ACâu 27A
Câu 3CCâu 28D
Câu 4ACâu 29A
Câu 5BCâu 30B
Câu 6BCâu 31C
Câu 7CCâu 32C
Câu 8CCâu 33C
Câu 9CCâu 34D
Câu 10CCâu 35D
Câu 11BCâu 36C
Câu 12ACâu 37D
Câu 13DCâu 38B
Câu 14ACâu 39D
Câu 15BCâu 40D
Câu 16CCâu 41C
Câu 17ACâu 42C
Câu 18BCâu 43A
Câu 19DCâu 44B
Câu 20ACâu 45B
Câu 21BCâu 46B
Câu 22DCâu 47B
Câu 23ACâu 48B
Câu 24ACâu 49D
Câu 25DCâu 50D

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