Unit 6 A Closer look 2 Tiếng Anh 6 Kết nối tri thức

Xuất bản: 14/07/2021 - Tác giả:

Giải bài tập Unit 6 A Closer look 2 trang 61 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống giúp trả lời các câu hỏi - tiếng Anh 6 bài 6.

Giải bài tập Unit 6 A Closer look 2 tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức giúp các em học tốt Tiếng Anh 6.

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 6 A Closer look 2

Thực hiện các yêu cầu của sách giáo khoa Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống Tiếng Anh 6 trang 61 về ngữ pháp.

I. Look at the signs at the library and complete the sentences with should or shouldn't.

Look at the signs at the library and complete the sentences


1. should

=> You should keep quiet.

2. shouldn't

=> You shouldn't eat or drink.

3. should

=> You should knock before your enter.

4. shouldn't

=> You shouldn't run.


We use should for things that are good to do.

We use shouldn't for things that are not good to do.

II. Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the one they shouldn't

Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the one they shouldn't


- Activities children should do at Tet: 1, 3, 5, 6

- Activities children shouldn'y do at Tet: 2, 4, 7, 8

III. Work in pairs. Look at the activities in 2. Take turns to say what you think children should/ shouldn't do.


Children should behave well.

Children shouldn't eat lots of sweets.


1. Children should plant trees.

2. Children shouldn't break things.

3. Children should go out with friend.

4. Children should make a wish.

5. Children shouldn't fight.

6. Children shouldn't play cards all night.



(+) My mother bought some fruits.

(+) I need some milk for the cake.


(-) I can't answer any questions.

(?) Do you have any sugar?

IV. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. - What do you need to decorate your room?

- I need ............... colour paper and  ................. pictures.

2. - Do you have ............... free time for sports?

- Yes, I do.

3. - Are there ............... interesting activities here during Tet?

- Yes, there are ...... traditional games like human chess, running and cooking.


1. some/some

- What do you need to decorate your room?

- I need some colour paper and some pictures.

2. any

- Do you have any free time for sports?

- Yes, I do.

3. any/some

- Are there any interesting activities here during Tet?

- Yes, there are some traditional games like human chess, running and cooking.

V. Workin pairs. Look at the fridge. Make sentences with the words / phrases provided, using some or any.


=> There is not any ice cream,

=> There are some cucumbers.

1. eggs => ...........................................

2. fruit juice => ....................................

3. apples => .........................................

4. bread => ..........................................

5. banana => .......................................

6. cheese => ........................................


1. There are some eggs (in the fridge)

2. There is some fruit juice/ There are some packs of fruit juice.

3. There aren't any apples.

4. There isn't any bread.

5. There are some bananas.

6. There is some cheese.


Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 6: Our Tet holiday - A closer look 2 sách Kết nối tri thức do Đọc tài liệu tổng hợp, hi vọng sẽ giúp các em học tốt môn Tiếng Anh 6 thật thú vị và dễ dàng.

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