​​Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 3

Bộ đề tổng hợp trắc nghiệm từ vựng môn Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 3 có đáp án chi tiết nhằm giúp học sinh củng cố từ vựng Tiếng Anh trong nhiều lĩnh vực

Tìm từ trái nghĩa với từ được gạch chân trong câu:

Câu 1. If you are not inside a house, you do not know about its leaking.
Câu 2. This vertical section of the soil shows four basic soil layers.
Câu 3. Her eyes were hurting from the bright lights.
Câu 4. The school offers manual training to the pupils.
Câu 5. We shouldn't complain about being poor many families are much worse off .
Câu 6. The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade.
Câu 7. This wine is so sweet that I couldn’t drink the second glass.
Câu 8. He put on his best clothes for the party.
Câu 9. I think we've chosen the right person to lead the expedition.
Câu 10. Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house!
Câu 11. The next day the union voted to begin an indefinite strike.
Câu 12. I clearly remember talking to him in a chance meeting last summer.
Câu 13. To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
Câu 14. We have been out of touch him since he moved to London.
Câu 15. Mr. Smith's new neighbors appear to be very generous.
Câu 16. China has become the third country in the world which can independently carried out the manned space activities.
Câu 17. A narrow passage led directly through the house into the garden.
Câu 18. When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
Câu 19. It was brave of you to speak in front of all those people.
Câu 20. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
Câu 21. The sun soon dispelled the thick fog.
Câu 22. That draught is too much for my horse to pull.
Câu 23. The World Cup is followed with great interest around the globe- the final game of the 1994 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 million viewers.
Câu 24. With the victory over Germany in the final match, Brazil became the first team to win the trophy five times.
Câu 25. Name some famous football players in the world.
Câu 26. If you don’t feel well, go to bed and rest.
Câu 27. For many young people in Britain, being in one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important.
Câu 28. My suitcases are so heavy.
Câu 29. The best time to visit is during the dry season, from October to April, when the hard forest rain is over.
Câu 30. The chairs felt hard and uncomfortable.

đáp án ​​Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 3

CâuĐáp ánCâuĐáp án
Câu 1CCâu 16D
Câu 2DCâu 17A
Câu 3ACâu 18B
Câu 4ACâu 19C
Câu 5CCâu 20B
Câu 6ACâu 21A
Câu 7ACâu 22D
Câu 8BCâu 23B
Câu 9CCâu 24B
Câu 10BCâu 25B
Câu 11BCâu 26A
Câu 12BCâu 27C
Câu 13DCâu 28B
Câu 14ACâu 29A
Câu 15ACâu 30D

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