Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 14

Bộ đề tổng hợp trắc nghiệm từ vựng môn Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 14 có đáp án chi tiết nhằm giúp học sinh củng cố từ vựng Tiếng Anh trong nhiều lĩnh vực.

Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống:

Câu 1. The garden ______ as far as the river.
Câu 2. The plain occupies the west, south and central parts of the continent, though considerable variations are to be found over so ______ an area.
Câu 3. Because of the strong sun Mrs. William’s new diningroom curtains _____ from dark blue to grey within a year.
Câu 4. Spies may have a number of _____ names and papers.
Câu 5. Why can’t you do this small _____ for me? I’ve helped you often enough in the past.
Câu 6. The ____ charged by the lawyer for his services was unusually high.
Câu 7. A historical novel is a form of which may include many facts.
Câu 8. The gardener ______ a bucket with water so that he could plant the vegetables.
Câu 9. My petrol tank was empty so I pulled into a garage to ______.
Câu 10. When there’s a doubt the examiner’s decision is ______.
Câu 11. If present dissatisfaction over salaries continues the _____ result will be loss of staff.
Câu 12. You direct me to the nearest garage? One of my tyres is _____ .
Câu 13. The children thought that the cream was deliciously ______ and they finished it all.
Câu 14. A horse drives the ______ from its body with its tail.
Câu 15. High in the sky a _____ of birds was flying southward.
Câu 16. I usually listen to the weather _____, though I have little faith in it.
Câu 17. The children _____ a line, then walked quietly into school.
Câu 18. Since his retirement, Peter Smith, who was ______ a teacher, has written four novels.
Câu 19. With the invention of the train, man could travel overland _____ without the need of horses.
Câu 20. A strong westerly ______ flattened the standing corn though it brought no rain.
Câu 21. After his prolonged dive in search of the ring he emerged from the water _______.
Câu 22. As the storm drew nearer, black clouds were _______ over the sky.
Câu 23. Mr and Mrs Green ____ a party for their daughter’s twenty-first birthday.
Câu 24. The old lady couldn’t ____ because she had rheumatism.
Câu 25. He does not _______ his fellow-workers and there are often disagreements between them.

đáp án Trắc nghiệm từ vựng Tiếng Anh cơ bản đề số 14

CâuĐáp ánCâuĐáp án
Câu 1BCâu 14C
Câu 2CCâu 15C
Câu 3ACâu 16D
Câu 4CCâu 17C
Câu 5CCâu 18D
Câu 6ACâu 19B
Câu 7DCâu 20A
Câu 8ACâu 21C
Câu 9ACâu 22B
Câu 10ACâu 23C
Câu 11CCâu 24A
Câu 12DCâu 25C
Câu 13B

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