According to the passage, what does the ecotourism aim at?

Xuất bản: 27/05/2021 - Cập nhật: 24/08/2023 - Tác giả: Điền Chính Quốc

Câu Hỏi:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions form 31-35
Tourism will always have an impact on the places visited. Sometimes the impact is good, but often it is negative. For example, if lots of people visit one place, then this can damage the environment. The question is - how can we minimize the problems without preventing people from travelling and visiting places?
The main aim of ecotourism is to reduce the negative impact that tourism has on the environment and local people. The idea is to encourage tourists to think about what they do when they visit a place.
It's great to talk about protecting the environment, but how do you actually do this? There are a number of key points. Tourists shouldn't drop litter, they should stay on the paths, they shouldn't interfere with wildlife and they should respect local customs and traditions.
Some people see ecotourism as a contradiction. They say that any tourism needs infrastructure - roads, airports and hotels.The more tourists that visit a place, the more of these are needed and, by building more of these, you can't avoid damaging the environment.
But, of course, things aren't so black and white. Living in a place of natural beauty doesn't mean that you shouldn't benefit from things like better roads. As long as the improvements benefit the local people and not just the tourists, and the local communities are consulted on plans and changes, then is there really a problem?
In 2002 the United Nations celebrated the "International Year of Ecotourism". Over the past twenty years, more and more people have started taking eco-holidays. In countries such as Ecuador, Nepal, Costa Rica and Kenya, ecotourism represents a significant proportion of the tourist industry.
According to the passage, what does the ecotourism aim at?

Đáp án và lời giải

đáp án đúng: B

According to the passage, the ecotourism aim at reducing the tourism problems.
(Dịch nghĩa: Theo đoạn văn, du lịch sinh thái nhằm mục đích giảm bớt các vấn đề về du lịch.)

Điền Chính Quốc (Tổng hợp)

Câu hỏi liên quan

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

"Few people in Kenya own a mobile phone." is NOT true according to the passage. ("Rất ít người ở Kenya sở hữu một chiếc điện thoại di động." KHÔNG đúng theo đoạn văn)

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

"The lack of communication in the family is now mostly blamed on the TV." is NOT true according to the passage.
Giải thích
Thông tin ở đoạn 3: The smartphone has taken over from the TV as the major reason for a lack of communication between family members. (Việc điện thoại thông minh thay thế TV là nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến việc thiếu kết nối giữa các thành viên trong gia đình)

According to the passage, in a cashless society,....

According to the passage, in a cashless society, you will feel much safer.
Dịch nghĩa: Theo đoạn văn, trong một xã hội không dùng tiền mặt, bạn sẽ cảm thấy an toàn hơn rất nhiều.

Giải thích
Từ khóa tìm kiếm: cashless society.
Thông tin trong đoạn 2: You will feel more secure as well.

According to the passage, President Johnson's program of reconstruction _______.

According to the passage, President Johnson's program of reconstruction did not prevent Southerners form recovering their political power in government.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

"We read online materials in the same way as we read printed materials." is NOT true according to the passage.
Dịch nghĩa: Câu "Chúng ta đọc tài liệu trực tuyến giống như cách chúng ta đọc tài liệu in" là KHÔNG đúng theo đoạn văn.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

Movie stunts are often performed by the main actors.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

The majority of teenagers surveyed enjoyed real outdoor activities in their leisure time.

Question 47. According to the passage, what can be inferred about tsunamis?

They are dangerous to people living near the shore.
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng gây nguy hiểm cho người dân sống gần bờ.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?

It is impossible for us to keep safe distances when standing in airport lines.

According to the passage, the industry is likely to be thought as....

According to the passage, the industry is likely to be thought as the only source of pollution.
-> Dịch: Theo đoạn văn, ngành công nghiệp có thể được coi là nguồn gây ô nhiễm duy nhất.
the production processes = the industry

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