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(49) , vlogs can also serve more ambitious purposes.

Xuất bản: 16/05/2024 - Cập nhật: 16/05/2024 - Tác giả: Chu Huyền

Câu Hỏi:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other's numbered blanks.


One rather unlikely word that has recently entered the language is “blog", a shortened form of “web log”. A blog is a diary posted on the Internet by the person writing it - the blogger (46)______ presumably expects (47)______ people to read it. It is ironical that modern technology is being used to______ (48) new life into such an old-fashioned form as the personal journal. And now, as the technology about video cameras is making them easier to use, we have the video log, or “vlog". Vlogging does not require highly sophisticated equipment: a digital video camera, a high-speed Internet connection and a host are all that is needed.
Vloggers can put anything that takes their fancy onto their personal website. Some vloggers have no ambitions rather than to show films they have shot while on holiday in exotic places. (49)______ , vlogs can also serve more ambitious purposes. For instance, amateur film- makers who want to make a ______ (50) for themselves might publish their work on the internet. And increasingly, vlogs are being used to publicise political and social issues that are not newsworthy enough to get coverage by the mass media. It is still too early to predict whether vlogging will ever take off in a major way or if it is just a passing fad, but its potential is only now becoming apparent.
(Adapted from weblog - Wikipedia - The free encyclopedia)

(49)______ , vlogs can also serve more ambitious purposes.

Đáp án và lời giải

đáp án đúng: C

Để làm đúng được dạng bài này, bạn cần hiểu mối quan hệ giữa vế trước và vế sau là mối quan hệ nào.

Vế 1: Some vloggers have no  ambitions rather than to show films they have shot while on holiday in exotic places. (Một số vlogger không có tham vọng nào hơn là chiếu những bộ phim họ quay khi đi nghỉ ở những nơi xa lạ.)

Vế 2: (49)_______, vlogs can also serve more ambitious purposes (vlog cũng có thể phục vụ những mục đích đầy tham vọng hơn)

2 vế này thể hiện quan điểm trái ngược nhau → Sử dụng từ nối là However


However, vlogs can also serve more ambitious purposes. (Tuy nhiên, các vlog cũng có thể phục vụ cho nhiều mục đích tham vọng hơn.)

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